Andriana Spasova

  • NAME: Andriana Spasova
    Institute for Literature – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Andriana Spasova (1987) – PhD (2017), Assistant Professor (2018–2020), Chief Assistant Professor (2020) at the Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She is a postdoctoral fellow of the National Program ‘Young Scientists and Postdoctoral Students’ with her project ‘Reception and Digitalization of the Unexplored Manuscript Heritage of Nayden Gerov’ (2019–2021). ‘Ancient Reminiscences in the Revival Literature’ (2020) is her first scientific book, defended as a doctoral thesis, which won second prize in the competition for Young Scientists (2021). Her research interest is related to the tracing of the first receptions of classical antiquity and its samples in the cultural-historical situation of the Bulgarian 19th century, the problems of national identity and cultural memory, handwritten textbooks and letters of Nayden Gerov.


Andriana Spasova



    The article examines the satirical poetry of Petar Dimitrov Protich, which fits into the ideas of the Bulgarian Revival, affirming the Bulgarian identity and opposing “the own” to “the other”. The main themes in his poetry are knowledge, education and the role of the scholar and intellectual in social development. Through his work P. Protich criticizes the Hellenophilia among the Bulgarians and other Balkan peoples in the 19th century, ridicules the uncritical attitude towards Greek influences, and also the object of his satirical pen are folk superstitions and ignorance. Some of his most emblematic foreign- language works, which have not yet been translated into Bulgarian (except “Η Γραικομανία”, translated by Afr. Alexieva), are “La voix de la Bulgaria”, “Ο Εξελληνισμός”, “Le turcoman”, “Le passage du Danube”, “To the right hon. W. E. Gladstone, M. P.”, “Le repatrié”. The social and ideological line, the vivid portrayal of the Balkan syndrome in the poems of the Greek graduate to some extent at the expense of their literary merits. The notion of the “other” in the satirical poems of Petar Protich comes close to the massively embodied negative image in the artistic, historical and journalistic texts of the Bulgarian 19th century.


Andriana Spasova

Initial observations on the manuscript Histories by Nayden Gerov


    In this article research interest is focused on the large-scale manuscript heritage of Nayden Gerov (Fund 22 of the SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library – Bulgarian Historical Archive). There is a brief historical overview of the current scientific activities with a small part of 2000 archive units in the personal archive fund of the Revival writer, linguist, teacher and politician Nayden Gerov. In the focus of the study are presented two unexplored until now educational handwritten stories – Bulgarian and universal (F. 22, archive unit 603 and a. u. 604). The facts surrounding the two historical textbooks are systematized, and separate hypotheses have been made about the year of writing, the presence of more than one author, the place and the function in the context of the other published historical textbooks.