Plamen Antov (главен редактор)

Alexandra Antonova (editor-in-chief) 
Andriana Spasova 
Bozhana Filipova 
Georgi Iliev 
Nikolay Genov

Plamen Antov is DSc and Professor at the Institute for Literature – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications in a wide range of topics and of the following monographs: Yavorov–Botev: Modernism and Myth. The Atavistic Memory of Language (2009), The Poetry of the 1990s. Bulgarian and Postmodern (2010), Bulgarian Postmodernism 21.–19. Centuries. To the Philosophy of Bulgarian Literature (2016), as well as the literary-philosophical comparative study Animalistics of Emilian Stanev. Biopolitical and Philosophical Problems (vol. 1, 2019) and In Front of the Unattainable: Emilian Stanev and Martin Heidegger (vol. 2, 2021). His latest book is “To Chicago and Back” Beyond the Travelogue. To the Genealogy of Bai Ganyu (2021). 
As а head of the research project “Literature and Geography”, he is the editor of the collections Our Americas 1: South America and Bulgarian Literature, Bulgarian Traces in Latin America (2015), Our Americas 2: USA as a Metaphor of Modernity. Bulgarian-American Reflections (20.–21. Centuries) (2017), Magical Realism (2019). 
Poet and writer, author of books of poetry, short stories, fragments, plays; winner of awards for poetry and drama.

Alexandra Antonova is PhD in Bulgarian Literature and Associate Professor at the Institute for Literature – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, specialist in new Bulgarian literature. She is the author of the monographs Chavdar Mutafov – in Search of Art Image (2011) and Konstantin Konstantinov: Recognition and Self-recognition (2015), as well as of studies on Dimitar Dimov, Nikola Vaptsarov, Svetoslav Minkov, Boyan Danovski, Boris Hristov, Kiril Krastev, Boris Shivachev, Zlatomir Zlatanov, Mihalaki Georgiev, etc., of reviews and applied articles. Her scientific interests are focused on the poetics of avant-guard, as well as on the history and reception of Bulgarian literary critics. Editor of the scholarly collections Spaces of Words. Collection in honor of Svetlozar Igov in two volumes (2012), Pencho Slaveykov. 150 years since his birth (2017), Book for Ivan Metodiev (2018), My Ports Are Gone. New Researches on Ivan Peychev, presented at the Conferences on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of Poet’s Birth, held in Shumen and Sofia (2018), Dimitar Talev – the Code of History and the Labyrinths of Present in Literature (2019), Bulgarian Literary Critics – Positions and Contexts (2020). 
Head of “Current Readings of New and Contemporary Bulgarian Literature” project at the Department of New and Contemporary Bulgarian Literature of the Institute for Literature – BAS (2015), as well as of “Bulgarian Literary Critics Digital Library” (2018) and “Bulgarian Literature for Children and Adolescents 20.– 21. Centuries” (2021) projects funded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund.

Andriana Spasova is PhD in Bulgarian Literature and Chief Assistant Professor at the Department of Bulgarian Revival Literature at the Institute for Literature – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She is a postdoctoral fellow of the National Program “Young Scientists and Postdoctoral Students” with her project “Reception and Digitalization of the Unexplored Manuscript Heritage of Nayden Gerov” (2019–2021). Ancient Reminiscences in the Revival Literature (2020) is her first scientific book, defended as a doctoral thesis, which won second prize in the competition for Young Scientists (2021). Her research interest is related to the tracing of the first receptions of classical antiquity and its samples in the cultural-historical situation of the Bulgarian 19th century, the problems of national identity and cultural memory, handwritten textbooks and letters of Nayden Gerov. http://ilit.bas.bg/en/members/andriana-spasova

Божана Филипова е доктор по западноевропейска литература и главен асистент към секция "Сравнително литературознание" в Института за литература.  Защитила е докторска дисертация на тема "Трансформации на понятията "нова митология" и "фрагмент" в романа "Одисей" на Джеймс Джойс". Работи в полето на литературната история и теория, специализира в областта на немския романтизъм и европейския модернизъм. Отвъд литературознанието, научните й интереси са свръзани с класическа немска и със съвременна философия.

Георги Илиев (1978) е доктор и главен асистент по теория на литературата. Работи в секция „Теория на литературата“ в Института за литература при Българската академия на науките. Неговите интереси са в областта на политическата философия и социалната теория, защитил е докторантура на тема „Отношението между епистемология и етика в литературната теория след Франкфуртската школа“. Води упражнения като хоноруван преподавател по Увод в литературната теория в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“.

Николай Генчев Генов е доктор по теория на литературата и главен асистент в Института за литература при БАН. През 2017 завършва специалност „Българска филология“ в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“, а през 2018 –  магистърска програма „Литературознание“ в същия университет. Защитава дисертационния си труд през 2022 година във Факултета по славянски филологии. Изследователските му интереси са в областта на научната фантастика, дигиталните медии и видео игри. Автор е на книгата „Виртуалният човек: Опит върху фантоматиката” (2022). Негови текстове са публикувани в различни списания, сборници и електронни платформи.