Regina Koycheva, Asst. Prof. PhD

Institute for Literature – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Регина Койчева, родена през 1974 г., е главен асистент в Института за литература при БАН и разработва интердисциплинарното поле между палеославистиката и теорията на литературата. Основният ѝ предмет на изследване са оригиналните старобългарски песнопения от IX и началото на Х в., върху които има редица публикации с теоретичен, литературноисторически и лингвистичен профил. Заедно с проф. д. н. Анисава Милтенова е съставител и редактор на сборника „Смъртта и погребението в юдео-християнската традиция“ (Studia Mediaevalia Slavica et Byzantina, том I, 2011). Завършила е Българска филология в Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“. Докторската ѝ дисертация на тема „Ирмоси и словесни структури в триодните канони на Константин Преславски“ с научен ръководител проф. д. н. Георги Попов е защитена през 2005 г. Специализирала е при проф. Хайнц Миклас в Института по сла- вистика към Виенския университет (2005–2006; 2009) и при доц. Любор Матейко в Братиславския унивеситет „Ян Коменски“ (2018– 2019). Повече за Р. Койчева е публикувано тук: koicheva-regina.html


Regina Koycheva, Asst. Prof. PhD

Horror in the Byzantine-Slavic Middle Ages and Western European Gothic Culture


    The article outlines the parameters of the horrific in the Slavic mediaeval literature of Byzantine type. The aim of the research is to compare the mediaeval Slavic horrific with the Gothic version of the same category through a prospective approach. Translated and original Slavic-language works (different in origin, genre and style) from the IX to the XVII century have been analyzed, but later texts have also been used for comparison. Among the main contextual meanings of the Slavic mediaeval words for horror are: 1. ‘fear’, 2. ‘compassion’, 3. ‘fear combined with astonishment’, 4. ‘combination of wonder and delight’. Attention is paid to the significantly reduced presence of verbal signals of experience of horror-compassion in the Byzantine martyrs’ lives and, conversely, to the escalation of the feeling of horror in the Slavic versions of the vitas (in the works of St. Dimitry of Rostov). The common features which unite the mediaeval horrific and the Gothic one are above all the supernatural as a source of horror and the connection between the horror and the sublime. Revelation (to the mind) of the Divine plan for the salvation of people, which is the most sublime phenomenon in the history of the world, stimulates the theological activity of mind and arouses delight. In mediaeval Slavic texts, however, this delight is often referred to by the lexeme оужасъ and its derivatives. The reason for this is sought primarily in the Greek equivalent ἔκστασις, which tends to be used as a generic term for going beyond the usual emotional states, for any kind of extreme experience – positive or negative.


Regina Koycheva, Asst. Prof. PhD



    Une des premières œuvres religieuses de Stoyan Mihaylovski est un cycle de poèmes, publié pour la première fois en 1884. À l’époque, il faisait partie du recueil de psaumes et de paraboles « Le Pope Bogomile ». En 1889, sa variante fort remaniée a été publiée deux fois – dans le recueil de poèmes « Novissima verba » sous le titre de « Sursum corda ! « et puis, toute seule, sous la dénomination « Dieu (poèmes bibliques) ». L’objectif de la présente étude est de comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles Mihay- lovski a procédé à ce remaniement de son œuvre. Une analyse attentive des corrections faites par l’auteur révèle qu’elles sont le résultat du désir de l’auteur de perfectionner l’œuvre mais aussi celui du tournant décisif dans les positions religieuses de l’auteur notamment pendant les années entre les deux éditions. L’œuvre change d’orientation – de la croyance des bogomiles vers le culte chrétien. La christianisation est réalisée au niveau lexical mais aussi par l’incrustation de symboles et de formes médiévaux typiques dans la composition du cycle et du rythme du vers (du symbo- lisme chrétien des chiffres, des allusions à l’hymnographie). Cette tech- nique fait de la création religieuse de Stoyan Mihaylovski une étape clé entre l’ancienne et la nouvelle littérature bulgare.