Alexandra Antonova is a doctor of Bulgarian literature and associate professor at the Institute of Literature at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, a specialist in new Bulgarian literature. She is the author of the monographs Chavdar Mutafov - in Search of the Artistic Image (2011) and Konstantin Konstantinov: Possibilities of Recognition and Self-Recognition (2015), as well as separate studies on the work of Chavdar Mutafov, Dimitar Dimov, Nikola Vaptsarov, Svetoslav Minkov, Boyan Danovski, Boris Hristov, Kiril Krastev, Boris Shivachev, Zlatomir Zlatanov, Mihalaki Georgiev, etc., on reviews and scientific-applied articles. Her scientific interests are focused on the poetics of objectivism, as well as on the history and reception of Bulgarian literary criticism. Editor and compiler of the scientific collections The Spaces of the Word. Collection in Honor of Svetlozar Igov in two volumes (2012), Pencho Slaveikov. 150 Years from his Birth (2017), Book about Ivan Metodiev (2018), My Ports are Gone. New Research on the Work of Ivan Peychev from the Conferences on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Poet's Birth Held in Shumen and Sofia (2018), Dimitar Talev - the Code of History and the Labyrinths of the Present in Literature (2019). Bulgarian Literary Criticism - Positions and Contexts (2020).
Head of the project "Current Readings of New and Contemporary Bulgarian Literature" at the New and Contemporary Bulgarian Literature Section of the Institute for Literature - BAS (2015), as well as the projects "Digital Library 'Bulgarian Literary Criticism' (2018) and 'Bulgarian Literature for children and adolescents XX–XXI centuries" (2021), financed by the Scientific Research Fund.