“A road that calls to be passed…”. The challenges of Atanas Dalchev’s poetry

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In the article are shortly mentioned the main motives of the poetry of Atanas Dalchev of his art and philosophical discoveries, which led to the spiritual and aesthetic changes in the consciousness of his contemporaries and the tangible influence of his talent on the development of Bulgarian Literature. I would like to highlight that his poetry specially his “Fragmentsˮ and his critical texts express the whole vision of a writer “place of the person in the worldˮ. Constant search of the seсret of being of Atanas Dalchev can also be achieved thanks to his expressive philosophical motives. He intends to conceptualize the artistic world and give him a philosophical depth. The world or space is full of important things: world which tells about the eternal and sad story of existing here and now. At the same time the poetry of Atanas Dalchev like it is mentioned in the article aspires to the theme of the devil. This is why we pay attention to the dual influence and mystic elements in his poetry and also philosophical and existential reflection on his life. In the article are analysed some peculiarities of expression of Atanas Dalchev of poetic texts in Ukrainian taking into account its specific features and significance in the development of Bulgarian poetic creativity.

“A road that calls to be passed…”. The challenges of Atanas Dalchev’s poetry

  • PAGE RANGE: 338 - 343
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    “Ivan Vazov“ Bulgarian School – Lvov, Ukraĭna

    Надия Мискив е завършила специалност „Преподавател по украински език и литература. Български език и литература. Преводач“ в Катедра по славянски филологии – Филологически факултет на Лвивски национален университет „Иван Франко“ през 2005. През 2008–2015 работи като библиотекар I категория в Институт за изследване на изкуствоведски и библиотечни ресурси при Лвивска национална научна библиотека „Васил Стефаник“ 2008–2015. През 2015–2016 води курсове по български език за украинци при Почетно консулство на България в Украйна (Лвив). Има няколко научни публикации, участва в различни конференции и семинари, където с докладите и публикациите си споделя своя опит, наблюдения и добри практики. Занимава се основно с преводаческа дейност. Превела е книгата на български писател Емил Андреев „Стъклената река“ (2015) на украински език.