■ Articles are accepted in electronic form in doc/docx and pdf format..

Fonts: Fonts: for Cyrillic, Latin and Greek - Times New Roman, 12 pt; for the Old Bulgarian alphabets (Cyrillic and Glagolitic) – CyrillicaOchrid10U or Bukyvede, 13 pt.

■ All national languages are allowed for publication.

■ Each article must be accompanied by an abstract in the language of the publication at the beginning and in English and language abstract at the end - up to 300 words each and up to 5    keywords/phrases (Keywords:).

The title of the article is given in CAPITAL LETTERS (including in the abstract in English), the name of the author - in lower case.

■ The author's name must be accompanied by an affiliation: institutional affiliation, scientific degree, academic position, email address (preferably institutional), ORCID iD, Web of Science Researcher ID, formatted according to the specified model (see here below 4. Example structuring).

NB: The institution is written everywhere without abbreviations (e.g. Institute for Literature – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences).

■ A short biographical reference (СV) is required for the author (about 150 words) in Bulgarian and English in free form: current scientific status and institution, year of birth, main areas of scientific interest and specializations, defended doctorates (topic, year), major publications (books).

We would also be happy to receive a photo of the author.

■ Articles can be accompanied by illustrations – in colors and black-and-white (as colors will be only in the electronic version of the edition).

The illustrations should be in jpg or tif format (with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi).
They should be sent in separate files and inside the text in the appropriate places.

■ Each article is subject to double anonymous peer review, with the anonymous reviewer from an institution different from that of the peer-reviewed author.


Titles of books, magazines, newspapers (etc.) in Bulgarian-language articles should be given in quotation marks, not in italics, incl. and if they are in Latin.

In articles in a foreign language, the relevant standard should be used.

Bulgarian quotation marks („...“) should be used in articles in Bulgarian. When quotation marks are combined within quotation marks, all quotation marks are opened and closed separately („...... „...“... “).

■ The accumulation of staples in the staples should be avoided, and if that is impossible – the author should loosen and close each one separately: (...... (...)).

Centuries are written in Roman numerals in Bulgarian (e.g. ΧΙΧ century).

■ The use of italic and bold for different degrees of meaning emphasis is permissible; avoid underlining, including in email addresses.

■ Mandatory distinction between hyphen and dash (short and long dash). The hyphen (-) is used for double names (Cl. Lévi-Strauss, H.-G. Gadamer) or attributes (Zahari-Stoyanov's "Notes"; historical-geographical context, etc.). Use dashes to indicate time periods (19th – 20th centuries) or pages (pp. 56 – 58). For a double issue of a magazine, use a hyphen (vol. 3-4).

NB: A dash is used in opposition ("black - white") and a hyphen in the exact opposite case ("black-white").

■ "Page" is abbreviated to p.

■ Correctly spell the Bulgarian pronoun "ѝ".

■ The spelling of articles that are not in Bulgarian follows the relevant language norm.


■ It is appropriate (except in the presence of special considerations) to cite by an established edition: the first edition of the relevant work or the most complete (commented, annotated) collection/selection. same of the author.

■ Short quotations should be given in quotation marks in the main text. Longer ones should preferably be separated as a separate paragraph (block quote), point 11, without quotation marks, indented and separated by one blank line from the main text, with a mandatory reference to the source.
Separate quotations of poetry are formatted as indicated, but in italics.

Notes to the text and bibliographic references should be under the line of the corresponding page, automatically entered with common numbering (Footnote).

■ In the case of multiple citations of a certain source - primary or secondary - the reference may also be in the main text in a highly abbreviated form (in the form of an acronym or word), and this will be specifically agreed under the line at the first citation.

The use of generally accepted abbreviations of classic works or major multi-volume editions is acceptable.


The bibliographical description at the bottom of the page, with the author's surname inverted and written in CAPITAL letters, and the personal name is given with an initial.

In case of multiple references to one source, the full form is given only the first time; subsequent references are given only by author, if they are not consecutive (of the type: PETROV, A. Op. Cit. p. 123), or without the author's name, if they are consecutive (Ibid., pp. 123–124).

In Bulgarian it is permissible to re-cite and write the author and the title in full, without the rest of the data (KANT, I. Critique of Pure Reason, p. 45), in which case the title of the book is written in italics.

In Bulgarian in abbreviations (of the type: "и т. н.", "т. нар.", "др. под."), a space is placed between individual words.

Citation of a part of a book or an article in a collection is entered with a hyphen and "В:" (Bulgarian), and for Latin sources - with "In:".

When quoting from periodicals, only a hyphen is used.

In the absence of some parameters (place of publication, publisher, year), this is noted: .........

In the bibliographic descriptions in Latin letters, terminology from the Latin language is used: In: (В:), р. or рр. (с), et al. (и др.), Ibid./Ibidem (Пак там), L. c. (Цит. съч.), s. l. (без място), s. a. (без посочена година), etc.

In the case of translated texts (books and articles), the name of the translator is indicated, and in the case of collections - of the compiler(s).


Books (монографии)

ЯНЕВ, С. Пародийното в литературата (Пародийно и пародия в българската литература от Вазов до Смирненски). София: Наука и изкуство, 1989.

WHORF, B. L. Language, Thought and Reality. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1956, pp. 123–124.

КОТЛЯР, Е. С. Миф и сказка Африки. Москва: Наука, 1975, с. 32–33.

ХОРКХАЙМЕР, М., Т. В. АДОРНО. Диалектика на Просвещението. Философски фрагменти. Прев. Ст. Йотов. София: Гал-Ико, 1999, c. 107–150.

Part of a Book

СТОЯНОВ, З. Нашата програма. – В: З. СТОЯНОВ. Съчинения. Т. 3. Публицистика. София: Български писател, 1966, с. 45.

АВЕРИНЦЕВ, С. Предварителни бележки към изучаването на среднoвековната естетика. – В: С. АВЕРИНЦЕВ. Ранновизантийската литература. Традиции и поетика. Прев. Е. Трендафилова. Б. м.: Тавор, 2000, с. 55.

КОЛАРОВ, Р. За автора – post mortem. – В: Изпитания на теорията. Литературоведски диалози. Съст. Р. КОЛАРОВ, М. ДАЧЕВ. София: ИК Александър Панов, 2004, с. 222.

NIETZSCHE, F. Über Wahrheit und Lüge in aussermoralischen Sinn. – In: F. NIETZSCHE. Werke in drei Bänden. Bd. 3. Hg. v. K. Schlechta. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 1956, S. 309–323.


Периодични издания ■ СЛАВЕЙКОВ, П. Р. Раскошността у нас. – Читалище (Цариград), ІІІ, 1872, № 1 (30 окт.), c. 27–31.

■ КОНСТАНТИНОВИЧ, З., Ф. РИНЕР. Три линии на традицията в средноевропейския литературен дискурс. Прев. Б. Минков. – Език и литература, LVIII, 2005, № 1-2, с. 85–95.

■ MLADENOV, C. Pejo K. Javorov (1878–1914), a “bolgar Ady”. – Helikon: Világirodalmi figyelő (Budapest), XV, 1969, № 1, p. 136.

■ ТОДОРОВ, Г. Само за самоубийци. – Култура, XLІХ, № 42, 2 дек. 2005, с. 5.

Electronic Publication

■ ДИМИТРОВ, Э. И. Литературоведение „на пороге“ (Русская эмиграция в Варне и лекция Н. Рутковского о Достоевском). – LiterNet, № 12 (73), 31.12.2005: [прегл. 22.04.2021].

■ МАНЧЕВ, Б. Модерност и антимодерност. Българският националекзотизъм. – В: Култура и критика. Ч. 3: Краят на модерността? Съст. А. ВАЧЕВА, Г. ЧОБАНОВ: LiterNet, 19.04.2003: [прегл. 22.04.2021].

A reduced bibliographic description is allowed in footnotes, e.g. omitting the subtitle or part of the title (when re-citing), omitting the compilers and editors of collections, as well as the translators, avoiding the date of the last verification in electronic publications, etc.

The complete bibliographic description is given after the article in the "Literature" section, in which only scientific sources are included, and in special cases (e.g. essay-documentary-journalistic genres) the author approaches the issue in view of the specific context.

If necessary, it can be preceded by the heading "Sources" (including archival units), as well as a list of abbreviations.


Full bibliographic details of all titles cited in the text are given here, written in their original language (as indicated), arranged alphabetically, without numbering.

At the beginning - in alphabetical order - the list of used literature in Cyrillic is given, and after each title in square brackets is its transliteration.

The repeater for bibliographic citation for Word in BDS ISO 690 is used. (Automatic transliteration can also be seen on the site NB: "Sofia" is transliterated as "Sofia" (not "Sofiya").

Then, separated by a space (empty line), the English titles are given, and finally, also after a space, the Greek titles (if any) without transliteration.

In transliterated form, some of the above examples look like this:

■ АВЕРИНЦЕВ, С. Предварителни бележки към изучаването на среднoвековната естетика. – В: С. АВЕРИНЦЕВ. Ранновизантийската литература. Традиции и поетика. Прев. Е. Трендафилова. Б. м.: Тавор, 2000, с. 40–98. [AVERINTSEV, S. Predvaritelni belezhki kam izuchavaneto na srednovekovnata estetika. – V: AVERINTSEV, S. Rannovizantiyskata literatura. Tradicii i poetika. Prev. E. Trendafilova. B. m.: Tavor, 2000, s. 40–98.]

■ ДИМИТРОВ, Э. И. Литературоведение „на пороге“ (Русская эмиграция в Варне и лекция Н. Рутковского о Достоевском). – LiterNet, № 12 (73), 31.12.2005: (прегл. 22.04.2021). [DIMITROV, E. I. Literaturovedeniye „na poroge“ (Russkaya emigratsiya v Varne i lektsiya N. Rutkovskogo o Dostoyevskom). – LiterNet, No 12 (73), 31.12.2005. Retrieved: (pregl 22.04.2021).]

■ КОНСТАНТИНОВИЧ, З., Ф. РИНЕР. Три линии на традицията в средноевропейския литературен дискурс. Прев. Б. Минков. – Език и литература, LVIII, 2005, № 1-2, с. 85–95. [КONSTANTINOVICH, Z., F. RINER. Tri linii na traditsiyata v srednoevropeyskiya literaturen diskurs. Prev. B. Minkov. – Ezik i literatura, LVIII, 2005, № 1-2, s. 85–95.]

■ ХОРКХАЙМЕР, М., Т. В. АДОРНО. Диалектика на Просвещението. Философски фрагменти. Прев. Ст. Йотов. София: Гал-Ико, 1999. [HORKHAYMER, M., T. V. ADORNO. Dialektika na Prosveschtenieto. Prev. St. Yotov. Sofia: Gal-Iko, 1999.] 


Иван Иванов, проф. д. н.
Институт за литература – Българска академия на науките


Abstract. (до 300 думи)
Keywords: (до 5 бр.)

Текст на статията (TNR, 12 pt).

Acknowledgments & Funding
The article was prepared with the financial support of Funding agency FNI, Grant number E02-8/2019.
The author thanks the employees of DA–Sofia for their assistance in working in the archives.


Седянка с една мумия. Приказчица от Ив. Ев. Гешова. – Читалище, ІV, 1874, № 23 (30 ноем.), с. 671–691.

JAGIĆ, V. Sitna gradja za crkveno pravo. – Starine Jugoslavenske akademije znaonosti i umjetnosti, VI, 1874, s. 112–156.


КОЛАРОВ, Р. За автора – post mortem. – В: Изпитания на теорията. Литературоведски диалози. Съст. Р. КОЛАРОВ, М. ДАЧЕВ. София: ИК Александър Панов, 2004, с. 214–234. [KOLAROV, R. Za avtora – post mortem. – V: Izpitaniya na teoriyata. Literaturivedski dialozi. Sast. R. KOLAROV, M. DACHEV. Sofia: Aleksandar Panov, 2004, s. 214–234.]

ХОРКХАЙМЕР, М., Т. В. АДОРНО. Диалектика на Просвещението. Философски фрагменти. Прев. Ст. Йотов. София: Гал-Ико, 1999. [HORKHAYMER, M., T. V. ADORNO. Dialektika na Prosveschtenieto. Prev. St. Yotov. Sofia: Gal-Iko, 1999.]

MLADENOV, C. Pejo K. Javorov (1878–1914), a “bolgar Ady”. – Helikon: Világirodalmi figyelő (Budapest), XV, 1969, № 1, p. 136.

NIETZSCHE, F. Über Wahrheit und Lüge in aussermoralischen Sinn. – In: F. NIETZSCHE. Werke in drei Bänden. Bd. 3. Hg. v. K. Schlechta. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 1956, S. 309–323.

ΔΕΛΗΔΉΜΟΥ, Ε. Χρ. Θησαυρός Δαμασκηνού Του υποδιακόνου και Στουδίτου του Θεσσαλονικέως. Θεσσαλονίκη: Β. Ρηγоπоυλоυ, 2004, σ. 3–15.

Acknowledgments & Funding
The article was prepared with the financial support of Funding agency FNI, Grant number E02-8/2019.
The author thanks the employees of DA–Sofia for their assistance in working in the archives.



Ivan Ivanov, Prof. DSc.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7541-162X
Web of Science ResearcherI D: Y-2942-2007
Institute for Literature – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: [email protected]