The study offers a reading of Georgi Raichev’s “Sin” through the Bible perspective and, on the other hand, through the history of prohibitions in the society for madness and mad people. It contains examples of that kind of characters in the Bulgarian and world literature. It searches also in classical criminalistics for explanation of physical characteristics of the potential criminals. And recalls one of the basic oppositions in modern Bulgarian literature – the village and the city as a model of living, culture, virtues and civilization.
Crime and punishment in “Sin” by Georgi Raychev
- INVERSIONINSTITUTIONInstitute for Literature – Bulgarian Academy of SciencesE-MAILCOUNTRYBulgaria
Вepa Радева e редовен докторант в Института за литература при БАН. Завършва българска филология в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“. Научните ѝ интереси са в областта на българската литература между двете световни войни, автор е на дисертационния труд „Аспекти на чуждостта в разказите на Георги Порфириев Стаматов“.