Andriana Spasova is a doctor of Bulgarian literature and chief assistant in the section Literature of the Bulgarian Revival at the Institute for Literature at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, as well as a postdoctoral fellow at the National Program "Young Scientists and Postdoctoral Fellows" with the theme of the project Reception and Digitization of the Unexplored Manuscript Legacy of Nayden Gerov (2019–2021). Ancient Reminiscences in the Literature of Bulgarian National Revival (2020) is her first scientific book, defended as a doctoral thesis, which received second prize in the competition for Young Scientists (2021). Her research interests are in the field of Bulgarian Revival literature, the first receptions of ancient genres and models, the problems of national identity and cultural memory, the handwritten textbooks and letters of Nayden Gerov. http://ilit.bas.bg/bg/members/andriana-spasova.