Svetlana Stoicheva

National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov”

Светлана Стойчева е доктор по филология, професор по теория и история на българската литература в НАТФИЗ „Кр. Сарафов“. През 2000–2004 и 2009–2011 г. работи като лектор по българска литература и култура в Пекинския университет за чужди езици, Китай. Научните ѝ интереси са в областта на българския и европейския модернизъм, антропологията, синтеза между различните култури и между различните изкуства. Публикувала е монографиите „Приказките на Николай Райнов – между магиката и декорацията“ (1995), „Приказката в българската литература през XIX век. Опит върху емпирията на приказката“ (2009), „Литературата за деца – промени в завещаното“ (2014), „Боян Магесника. Изследване на литературния мит“ (2017) и множество научни студии, статии и рецензии.


Svetlana Stoicheva



    The article examines three scenarios of the relationship between literature, history and parahistory through the prism of three novels: one was written before the collapse of socialism; the other two – in post-socialist culture. All three turn to the same historical epoch – the Bulgarian Middle Ages and focus on the same literary and mythical hero – Boyan the Magician. The first is an example of upgrading history through the author’s parahistorical penetrations, developed, thanks to the autonomous novel form, and moreover, the reversal of points of view and the placement of the parahistorical through parapsychology in an effort to rewrite the history. The second is an example of the use of the sensational historical for a sensational plot. The third is about the use of literature as a camouflage of parahistory and the risk of misleading the reader who wants to accept the historical novel as the absolute truth. The text notes the increased convergence of history, parahistory and literature in recent decades and connects it with the eternal shortage of history in the rise of any nationalism, backed by many historical and quasi-historical facts. The modern view of the Bulgarian Middle Ages is characterized by the attempt to radically correct the national memory. The whole offensive for a new “testing” of historical facts, the attempt to literally “reverse” historical conventions, speaks of permanent national dissatisfaction – a topic to be addressed later.